Sunday, July 7, 2013

Back to School in 7 Weeks!

It's amazing how fast the summer can go! We are already working hard at the school to get our new classrooms in order for the upcoming year. There are some exciting changes happening with the classrooms and we can't wait for you to see what we have been working on! 

This year due to class sizes we will be welcoming Ms. Donna as a co-teacher and our classroom will be using room E and F (formally Ms. Dawn's and Ms. Donna's rooms). We will be using room E for morning activities, centers, large group activities and lunch, while also utilizing room F for smaller work groups and academics. I'm looking forward to this exciting change as I think it is really going to allow us to individualize each child's education and maximize one-on-one time (My personal favorite time)!

We still have a few openings in all of our classrooms so if you know of anyone interested in an outstanding early learning experience send them our way! (I think there is even a small discount bonus on your tuition for each referral! Yahoo!)

Remember back to school night is Thursday August 15th at 6 pm in Fellowship Hall. The first day of school is Monday August 19th which means less then seven more weeks of summer!

Please check out the tentative calendar and curriculum themes we have for this year!

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