Monday, February 4, 2013

Valentine's Day Party

On Thursday February 14th we will be celebrating our love for our friends here at APC.
We are asking each student to decorate the outside of a LARGE  shoebox at home. You may send your decorated boxes to school anytime before February 14th.
While Decorating your box remember:

Choose a box with a removable lid. Try wrapping the lid and bottom separate to allow easy access to the inside.
Cut a large rectangle in the top. Remember many valentines may have candy attached so make it large enough to allow these cards to fit.
Have your child write their name on the outside of the box so other students can read it.

Below please find a class roster to make it easier to fill out Valentines for every child. Encourage your child to write their own name on their valentines and even practice writing their classmates names!
Please check the front door for a list of lunch donation items needed for our party. If you would like to volunteer your time or Thursday is not your normally scheduled day please feel free to come in at 10:00 a.m. and join us for the activities and party.
Thanks again for all that you do to make APC such a loving place!
We couldn’t do it without you!


Our list has had adjustments made please make sure you have the new updated list below:

Brooklynn E.
Logan F.
Eleazar F.
Sami H.
Caidence H.
Harlow L.
Madeleine O.
Logan P.
Ella R
Joaquin S.
Dillon S.
Eliot S.
Nora W.
Scarlett V.

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