Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ms. Heather

As many of you may have heard Ms. Heather recently went in for surgery where they did find cancer. From the information we have received so far, the doctors took out what they could and plan to begin Chemotherapy. Ms. Shauna and Mr. David will be taking over her roll as program director for the time being. Any questions you have regarding the school, tuition, etc. can be directed towards either person or you may still contact Heather's office phone or school email address as they both have access to these accounts. Please keep Ms. Heather and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

As more information becomes available we will be sure to keep you informed.
Ms. Heather's good friend (and our Art teacher) Ms. Taleen has set up an account at for family and friends to make donations for Heather and her family.

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