Monday, October 15, 2012

Halloween Pizza Party

Our annual Halloween Party is just around the corner! This years part will be on: 
Wednesday October 31st from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm

If Wednesday is not your normal day, please feel free to come celebrate with the school. 
Siblings are more than welcome to participate as well!

In order for our parties to be successful we need some help!

We still need Parent Helpers!

Parents to set up at 9 am
Parents to run provided activities or crafts in the classrooms
Parents to be group leaders
Parents to help clean up at 12:30 pm

If you signed up to bring supplies please drop them off no later than 
October 25th 
Unless it is produce which can be dropped off on 
October 29th.

I can't wait to see all these cuties dressed up!!

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