Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Week Back!

Today was the last day of our first week back! How did it go for you? I know the kids had a great time and they are already falling right back into the school routine. 

 These first two weeks our theme is All About Me! So far we have learned a lot about your kiddos! Expect to see beautiful self-portraits, pictures of their favorite food, paintings of their favorite colors and beautiful drawings of their awesome families.
If your child has a family photo they would like to bring in for show-and-share Monday or Wednesday that would be great!

We are learning about the letter A and practicing writing our names. Today we sent home a homework sheet that is great practice for writing your child's name. Some of the areas we noticed to work on are:
  • Is your child "pinching" their pencil correctly?
  • Is your child pushing down hard enough to see their writing?
  • Is your child using capital and lowercase letters correctly?
  • Is your child's "helping hand" holding down the paper so it doesn't wiggle as the write?
Do they need more practice? 

This website is a great resource for creating writing worksheets and is the one we use here at school to create custom handwriting sheets.

Here is another awesome article from Kid's Health that explains the proper way to teach handwriting.

Here are a couple pictures from our first week back while we were playing out on the playground! 

 So many new friends and new memories to make!! It was such a blast, I can't wait to see what these little smarties are going to accomplish this year! 

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