Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This week was the kickoff to our second unit of the school year: Family! During the first two weeks we were able to learn all about your kiddos and get them back into the school routine. This week we are building on the relationships we have built with the kids and discussing their families. We will be talking about our extensive family tree's, our pets, our homes, and our siblings. 

Playing Family in the Home Center

The letter of the week is: B
Please check your folders for some extra weekend writing practice. Have your child point out "B's" in their daily lives, you will be surprised at how well they truly recognize their letters! I know I was!

Learning how to write B's. Always start at the Top!
Practicing our handwriting.
 This week is also the first week we have introduced "sight words." 
The word of the week is go.
Each morning we practice a little chant at carpet that goes, "G-O spells go." Each child says the chant, then reads the word off of the card we hold up. As the weeks progress we will add more words per week, but to introduce the concept we decided to start with just one. They have done great so far and I am excited to see how many they can master throughout the year!

Snack time: What letter can you make with your pretzels?

We are also reviewing our color, shape and number recognition. Using these first two weeks to assess our classrooms' strengths has provided a great opportunity to expand our mathematics curriculum to include more complex patterns and basic addition/subtraction concepts.

Keep your eyes pealed for more math "homework" coming your way in your Thursday/Wednesday Folders!

Using watercolors to mix and create new colors.

Working Hard!

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