Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Kinder Kixx starts this week!

Kinder kicks is starting the fall season this Tuesday September 24th at 12:30. The first class is a free trial to see if your kiddos enjoy the program. It is an amazing fun and convenient way to expose your children to the exciting world of soccer and team sports. You can register online at kinderkixx.com.

Yankee Candle Fundraising

This year we will again be participating in the Yankee Candle School Fundraiser. We are planning on running the fundraiser from 10-14-2013 through 10-28-2013 in order to make sure all orders are in for Thanksgiving and Christmas gifts. Keep an eye out for your fundraising packet to arrive this week!
This year we are hoping to raise enough money to purchase a school Ipad!

Asian Celebration

This Thursday 10/10/2013 we will be celebrating the end of our Asia unit by showing a movie, Mulan, and serving Asian themed snacks. Please check your folders and return your permission slips by Thursday if your child is able to participate!

Ms. Julie